Friday, November 20, 2009

Photos from tech! Come see the show this weekend at the Bedlam!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Stories in Bed,
    I came to see your show this weekend, it was a beautiful visual treat! I loved the physicality of the acting and actors, almost vaudevillian. I loved the color palette of vanillas, ivories and creams and the wonderful use and reuse of simple props, paper, light, fire.
    I had to go home and think hard about what I missed. I somehow missed the impact of the events on the main character, they were beautifully evoked, but seemingly not processed through the psyche of the main character. She didn't grow. I found out how she felt, but not how the events changed her. I want to know more about the horses, what they meant to her.
    Thank you again for a lovely evening.
